Bible Study Resources: 
Below you will find a list of Bible study resources to help you grow in your relationship with Christ and then use the same resources to fulfill the Great Commission of Matthew 28:19GO ye therefore, and TEACH all nations, BAPTIZING them in the NAME of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost”. You can now share the Gospel message of salvation with your family, friends and co-workers by simply reading through the Bible studies listed below. Click on the links and PDF documents to open a copy of the Bible study or to visit the author’s websites.   
A Place Prepared For You:
This is an excellent Bible study for someone new and wanting to know what true salvation is or would like to “teach” someone, but never thought you knew enough about the Bible and God to teach someone else. This Bible study takes about 30 minutes and only requires you to read directly from the pages. The Word of God will speak for itself. If you would like to order more copies you can visit the author’s website at We highly recommend this Bible study and that you carry paper copies with you where ever you GO“.
(Click on each Language to access)
Beyond Belief: A Study of Salvation:
This is an amazing new Bible Study that enables the reader to understand that there is more to salvation than just “believing”. This study is an honest, open minded look at what the scriptures say about salvation. We highly recommend this Bible study. It can be accomplished in an individual format (reader only), taught one-on-one (student with a teacher), or small group setting that will allow the individuals in the group to interact and connect on a deeper level. We recommend every new believer read this Bible study – several times. The PDF we have posted below id strictly for viewing purposes. Copies and other great resources may be purchased at White Steeple Books and Music.
 (Click to access)
Into His Marvelous Light
This Bible Study is known as the 1 hour Bible study. You can read or “teach” it in a 1 hour setting or Two 30 minute sessions. It explores the plan of Salvation found in the Gospels and throughout the New Testament church that the Apostles preached. This online version is interactive and will allow you to fill in the blanks and print. For additional paper copies and other great resources from the author visit
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(Click on each to access)
Bringing Men to Jesus:
This Bible study has stunning color graphics that enable the people you teach to stay engaged. It is formatted for a Five week study and can be accomplished in Five, one hour sessions. Whether you use this Bible study for personal use or to teach others, you will be blessed with overall layout and information received from this Bible study. In incorporates an overview of major topics such as: God and who He is, Understanding the Old Testament themes, a Connection between Old and New Testaments, Jesus and New Testament salvation. The teachers manual, charts and digital versions can be purchased at the author’s website, 
         or by visiting
Charts: (Click to access)
Search for Truth 2:
This Bible study offers a great base of Bible knowledge and is the #2 or revised edition. It covers major Old Testament and New Testament themes, provides a well rounded look into the prevalent stories of the Bible everyone should learn, and allows the learner to connect the Old and New Testaments together. Below you will find the PDF files of the color slides, lesson study sheets to provide an outline for structured study, and the end of lesson quizzes to check for understanding. There is a Teachers Manual and Color chart available through the Pentecostal Pushing House. We highly recommend that every believer go through this study for personal use and then teach it in a small group setting. (The Teachers Manual is great study material!) 
Charts: (Click on each chart to access)
SFT2 Lesson 1 Charts            
SFT2 Lesson 2 Charts                
SFT2 Lesson 3 Charts                 
SFT2 Lesson 4 Charts               
SFT2 Lesson 5 Charts                      
SFT2 Lesson 6 Charts                    
Study Sheets: (Click on each study sheet to access)
SFT Study Sheet Lesson 1              
SFT Study Sheet Lesson 2           
SFT Study Sheet Lesson 4          
SFT Study Sheet Lesson 6            
Quizzes: (Click on each quiz to access)
SFT Lesson 1 Quiz                                                         
SFT Lesson 2 Quiz                 
SFT Lesson 3 Quiz                     
SFT Lesson 4 Quiz                       
SFT Lesson 5 Quiz